Laser hair removal is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in the United States.

 Beaming light into the hair follicles destroys the hair once the pigment in the follicles absorb the light.

Completed by a licensed laser technician,  it usually takes 6 treatments to achieve 85%-95% hair reduction.

Our laser is one of the top lasers on the market and it is safe for all skin types.

Treatments are conducted 4-10 weeks apart.

At 344 Beauty Bar we are proud to offer the highest quality in all of our cosmetic equipment.

 Call:  344 Beauty Bar for a complimentary consultation or click here.


Is it permanent?

Results may vary for each client depending on hormonal factors. LHR usually removes 80%-90% of active hair growth.  For instance, women with PCOS, pregnant or going through menopause may need follow up treatments. Clients may see some regrowth after treatment, but are welcome to take advantage of our one year guarantee. This guarantee offers six additional treatments for the price of one treatment after your initial package.

Is it painful?

Some  experience a mild discomfort during laser hair removal treatments. The feeling is comparable to having a rubber band snapped on your skin. Certain areas of treatment are more uncomfortable than others.

What are the side effects?

In most cases there are no side effects to laser hair removal. In rare cases clients may experience burns (similar to a burn from a curling iron), redness, and crusting.  Cases where we have seen burns it was because the client had tanned within two weeks before treatment.

How to prepare for laser hair removal?

The first appointment the client needs to come in unshaven and fully shaven for any appointments after that.    Brazilian Bikini treatments only need to shave the areas clients would like the hair removed.  Do not tan two weeks before or two weeks after treatment. Please inform the provider if you are pregnant, taken any new medications or have any changes in your medical history.

What type of laser do you use?

Our laser hair removal lasers are the Cynosure Elite and Aerolase. These are true lasers and not IPL (intense pulse light). Quite a few of our competitiors use IPL for hair removal. IPL was specifically created to treat uneven skin tone and is not as efficient as true lasers in removing hair.

How often do I need to come in?

Treatments will be scheduled according to your hair growth cycle. The root of the hair can only be destroyed in the Anagen phase of hair growth.  Approximately 20% of your hair is in the Anagen phase at any given time. Most of the body takes 4-6 weeks to start a new Anagen phase.  On legs it takes 6-8 weeks and 8-10 weeks on the back. So, depending on what area the client is treating depends on the amount of time between treatments. It will take at least 6 treatments to complete the laser hair removal process.

Am I a good candidate for laser hair removal?

Blonde and red hair clients most likely will not see sufficient results from laser hair removal.

Who performs the treatment?

In accordance with Virginia law our treatments are performed by nurse practitioners, registered nurses and laser certified technicians. All treatments are overseen by our medical director, Dr. Eric Byman.